
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

Star Pupils

This week's Star Pupils are:


Reception: Junior Connolly and Evie Jones

Class 1: Jonah Hargreaves and Bobby Pearson

Class 2: Harriet Little and Toby Hunter

Class 3 : Daniel Tunstead and Jasmine Whittle

Class 4 : Ruby Saunderson and Samuel Rogers

Class 5 : Scarlett Tully and Louis Lowry-Morton

Class 6 : Lilimai Mercer and Bobbi Thomas


Reading Stars:


Reception: Louisa Jones

Class 1: Daisy Beech

Class 2: Niall Jones

Class 3: Arianne Brunskill

Class 4: Olivia Keir

Class 5: Eva Blood

Class 6: Michael Tunstead


French Stars:

KS1: Phoebe Begley         KS2: Will Jones


Well done to all of our stars!!


House of the Week: Sefton


The best attending classes this week were Class 4 and Class 5 -100% - Fantastic!


Class attendances were as follows:


Reception: 88.1 % 

Class 1: 94.7 %

Class 2: 90 %

Class 3: 94.7 %

Class 4: 100 %

Class 5: 100 %

Class 6: 96.7 %


The most punctual classes this week were Class 1, Class 4 and Class 5 - well done!


Class Lates this week are:


Reception: 2 lates

Class 1: 0 lates

Class 2: 2 lates

Class 3: 6 lates

Class 4: 0 lates

Class 5: 0 lates

Class 6: 4 lates
