
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

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'Class stars' are children selected by the class teacher - it could be for extra hard work, a great attitude or achieving something individual to the pupil.

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 28 Feb 2014

    This week's Star Pupils are:

    Reception: Pearl Swales and Abbie Irving

    Class 1: Lucy Jefferson and Ada Nicholson-Pike

    Class 2: James Stewart and Ella Willock

    Class 3 : Paul Dalkin and Mia Smith

    Class 4 : Isabel Ewart and Aaron Herbert

    Class 5 : Tom Lacey and Nathan Woodruff

    Class 6 :Laura Saleh and Belle Cain

    Headteacher:Olivia McIntyre, Ella Willock and Sam Walsh

    Well done to all of our stars!!

    Class of the Week is -Class 2!

    P.E. Class of the Week: KS1- Reception  KS2- Class 6

    The best attending classes were Reception and Class 4 -100% - Fantastic!
    The class attendances were as follows:

    Reception: 100%

    Class 1 - 95 %

    Class 2 - 95.8 %

    Class 3 - 95 %

    Class 4 - 100 %

    Class 5 - 96.5 %

    Class 6 - 97.5 %

    The most punctual classes were - Class 2, Class 4 and Class 6 - Well done!

    Class lates were as follows:

    Reception - 2 lates

    Class 1 - 1 late

    Class 2 -0 lates

    Class 3 -3 lates

    Class 4 -0 lates

    Class 5 -2 lates

    Class 6 -0 lates

  • PTFA Spring Disco

    Wed 26 Feb 2014

    Bopping, moving and grooving - it was all going on at the disco! Lots of fun was had and lots of children danced 'til they dropped! Thanks to the PTFA for another enjoyable event.

  • Open the Book

    Wed 26 Feb 2014
    Today's Collective Worship was provided by St Mary's Church drama group - 'Open the Book'. They performed the story of Zaccheus, the tax collector who learnt his lesson about greed in the end.
  • Star Pupils

    Fri 14 Feb 2014

    This week's Star Pupils are:

    Reception: Harley Blundell and Frankie Hutchinson

    Class 1: Sophie McGrath and Sam Smith

    Class 2: Jacob James and Abbie Douglas

    Class 3 : Nicole Griffith and Ellie Hudson

    Class 4 : Jude Carroll and Jamie O'Neill

    Class 5 : Faye Jones and Hijab Abdi

    Class 6 :Maisie Olsen and Abbie Hollis

    Well done to all of our stars!!

    Class of the Week is -Class 6!

    P.E. Class of the Week: KS1- Reception  KS2- Class 4

    The best attending class was Class 2 -Well done!
    The class attendances were as follows:

    Reception: 96.3 %

    Class 1 - 98.6 %

    Class 2 - 99.3 %

    Class 3 - 95.7 %

    Class 4 - 97.1 %

    Class 5 - 92.4 %

    Class 6 - 91.7 %

    The most punctual classes were - Class 1, Class 4, Class 5 and Class 6 - Well done!

    Class lates were as follows:

    Reception - 2 lates

    Class 1 - 0 lates

    Class 2 -1 late

    Class 3 -6 lates

    Class 4 -0 lates

    Class 5 -0 lates

    Class 6 -0 lates

  • Goodbye Mr Fidler

    Fri 14 Feb 2014
    Today is a sad, but happy day. Sad because we have to say 'Goodbye' to Mr Fidler, but happy because he is going to a new school. We are all sad to see him go but would like to thank him for all that he has done during his time here with us. We wish him well in his new school.
  • A message from Mr Fidler

    Fri 14 Feb 2014

    I would just like to say a big 'thank you' to all the children and parents in Class 1 for the kind presents and cards! You have made my stay at St Mary's the best it could have been. Thank you for your support!

    Mr Fidler

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 07 Feb 2014

    This week's Star Pupils are:

    Reception: Ava Perry

    Class 1: Danika Hale and Ruby Saunderson

    Class 2: Alex Waldron and Eva Blood

    Class 3: Amy Butler and Michael Tunstead

    Class 4: Nathan Agboado and Ben Hale

    Class 5: Daisy Ackers and Craig Webster

    Class 6: Renee Wood and Lucy Stewart

    Headteacher's Stars: Emma Simpson and Olivia McIntyre

    Well done to all of our stars!!

    Class of the Week is: Class 3!

    P.E. Class of the Week: KS1-Class 2.  KS2-Class 3.

    The best attending class was Class 5 - Well done!
    The class attendances were as follows:

    Reception: 99%

    Class 1: 97.3%

    Class 2: 95.3%

    Class 3: 96%

    Class 4: 95.8%

    Class 5: 91.2%

    Class 6: 92.3%

    The most punctual class was Class 3 - Well done!

    Class lates were as follows:

    Reception: 2 lates

    Class 1: 1 late

    Class 2: 1 late

    Class 3: 0 lates

    Class 4: 1 late

    Class 5: 1 late

    Class 6: 1 late
