
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

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'Class stars' are children selected by the class teacher - it could be for extra hard work, a great attitude or achieving something individual to the pupil.

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 29 Sep 2017 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Imogen Bristow and Nathan Chen

    Class 1: Krista Gornall and Tawanda Vengesayi

    Class 2: Ruth Kane and Isla Davidson

    Class 3 : Austin Taylor and Lois Turner

    Class 4 : Isabella Gannon and Isobel Robinson

    Class 5 : Sophie McGrath and Jessica Hale

    Class 6 : Eva Blood and Neve Kilty

    Reading Stars:


    Reception:  Kate Marsden

    Class 1: Louisa Jones

    Class 2: Shay Willock

    Class 3: Carly Cookson

    Class 4: Adrian Brunskill

    Class 5: Oliver Lynes

    Class 6: Liam Povall


    French Stars:

    KS1: Hidika Cheraghian                      KS2: Eden Pickavance


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Derby


    P.E. Class of the Week: Class 3


    The best attending class this week was:  Class 3 - 100% -Fantastic!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 91.7 % 

    Class 1: 96 %

    Class 2: 97.6 %

    Class 3: 100 %

    Class 4: 88.8 %

    Class 5: 97.3 % 

    Class 6: 95.2 %


    The most punctual classes this week were: Reception, Class 1, Class 2, Class 5 and Class 6 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 0 lates

    Class 1: 0 lates

    Class 2: 0 lates

    Class 3: 2 lates

    Class 4: 3 lates

    Class 5: 0 lates

    Class 6: 0 lates

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 22 Sep 2017 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Leo Rutland and Michael Byrne

    Class 1: Ava Hughes and Bertie Fisher

    Class 2: Joseph Hill and Lewi Cook

    Class 3 : Anna Igbinosun and Lucy Fisher

    Class 4 : India Leung-Vaughan and Alicia Kelly

    Class 5 : Felicity Lamkin and Sam Jones-Bramhill

    Class 6 : George Hunter and Jessica Barlow


    Reading Stars:


    Reception:  Bethany Caine

    Class 1: Charlie McCabe

    Class 2: Lucy Caine

    Class 3: Ruby Saunders

    Class 4: Faye Smith

    Class 5: Olivia Keir

    Class 6: Isobella Beesley-Hayes


    French Stars:

    KS1: Bella Kilty                       KS2: Tyus Henry


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Molyneux


    P.E. Class of the Week: Class 5

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 15 Sep 2017 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: James Angus and Sophie Bennett

    Class 1: Louisa Jones and Michael Stokes

    Class 2: Hidika Cheraghian and Bobby Pearson

    Class 3 : Seth Bloxsome and Max Marsden

    Class 4 : Ava Smith and Daniel Barrett

    Class 5 : Rikké Bloxsome and Phoebe Holmes

    Class 6 : Mia O'Neill and Will Jones


    Reading Stars:


    Reception:  Savannah Ames

    Class 1: Junior Connolly

    Class 2: Joseph Hill

    Class 3: Toby Hunter

    Class 4: Sadie Olsen

    Class 5: Sam Rogers

    Class 6: Ava O'Neill


    French Stars:

    KS1: Harry Hufton                       KS2: Sam Smith


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Sefton


    P.E. Class of the Week: Class 6


    The best attending class this week was:  Reception- 100% -Fantastic!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 100 % 

    Class 1: 96.7 %

    Class 2: 98 %

    Class 3: 96.7 %

    Class 4: 95.3 %

    Class 5: 98 % 

    Class 6: 99.3 %


    The most punctual class this week was Class 2 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 1 late

    Class 1: 3 lates

    Class 2: 0 lates

    Class 3: 2 lates

    Class 4: 4 lates

    Class 5: 1 late

    Class 6: 1 late

  • Butterflies fluttering by!

    Fri 15 Sep 2017 Mrs Hall


    It looks like spring again outside Class 4 and Class 5. We have been entertained by an influx of butterflies decorating the trees and bushes. Have a look later when you come past.

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 08 Sep 2017 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: All of the Boys and All of the Girls

    Class 1: Erin Tunstead and Lucas Oliver

    Class 2: phoebe Begley and Emily Tollitt

    Class 3 : Izzie Vaughan and Stephen Spencer

    Class 4 : Tyus Henry and Cerys Cookson

    Class 5 : Oliver Lynes and Layla Logue

    Class 6 : All of Class 6!


    Reading Stars:


    Reception:  J

    Class 1: 

    Class 2: 

    Class 3: 

    Class 4: 

    Class 5: 

    Class 6: 


    French Stars:

    KS1:                            KS2: 


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Molyneux


    P.E. Class of the Week: Class 1


    The best attending class this week was:  Class 2 - 100% -Fantastic!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 98 % 

    Class 1: 95.3 %

    Class 2: 100 %

    Class 3: 98 %

    Class 4: 97.4 %

    Class 5: 94.3 % 

    Class 6: 99.7 %


    The most punctual classes this week were Reception, Class 2, Class 5 and Class 6 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 0 lates

    Class 1: 1 late

    Class 2: 0 lates

    Class 3: 1 late

    Class 4: 2 lates

    Class 5: 0 lates

    Class 6: 0 lates

  • Welcome back

    Wed 06 Sep 2017 Mrs Hall
    Welcome back to you all. We hope you had a good rest and enjoyed your time with your children. Next week will be 'Welcome to Year' meetings for each class, check the diary for the relevant dates and times.