
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

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'Class stars' are children selected by the class teacher - it could be for extra hard work, a great attitude or achieving something individual to the pupil.

  • A day of Goodbyes

    Wed 19 Jul 2023 Mrs Hall

    We have had a lot of goodbyes to say today. We had a whole school celebration assembly this morning to say goodbye to Mrs Armstrong, Year 6 and Charlie. 


    We shared lots of memories and the children presented cards and memories to Mrs Armstrong and Charlie. The choir then sang 'Thank You For The Music' which was a surprise arranged by Mrs Challenor. 


    Mrs Armstrong has bought some beautiful gifts for school : Two crosses and clocks for the KS1 and KS2 corridors, and Haribo for every class. Thank you, Mrs Armstrong, you will be missed. 


    Goodbye and God bless Year 6 and Charlie as they move on to their new schools.

  • Italian Visitors

    Fri 14 Jul 2023 Mrs Hall

    Today Year 6 hosted 26 Italian students and their 11 teachers. They have been pen-pals since last year so it was lovely for them to meet in person. Our visitors are from the Dom Milani School in a town called Moderna just outside of Milan. 


    Our visitors have spent the week seeing the sights of our city. They have also visited Alsop as the whole trip was arranged by Mr Peter Bull, one of our school Governors, as part of an initiative called 'For the Common Good'. 


    During their visit to our school, they have taken part in activities including music, art and P.E. (they won the football 3-2 but we won the cricket!). They had a visit to church and a tour of the school when every class got to meet them. After a lovely lunch, their day ended with them joining in our Celebration Assembly. Gifts were exchanged and they made beautiful recipe books in both languages. Every child contributed to the book and each recipe is a traditional recipe from their family. 


    We wish them a safe journey home tonight.



  • Star Pupils

    Fri 14 Jul 2023 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: The Whole Class

    Class 1: Nancy Dillon and Freddie Rooney

    Class 2: Lourdez Porter and Zac Joel

    Class 3: James McKane and Olivia Teer

    Class 4: Eilah Joel and Grace Hughes

    Class 5: Thomas Payne, Emily Stewart and Tamana Seyed Alikhani

    Class 6: The Whole Class



    Reading Stars:


    Reception: Luke Vyse

    Class 1: Elias Ward

    Class 2: Seb Kaminski

    Class 3: Savannah Fitzgerald

    Class 4: Seth Parkins

    Class 5: Jasmine Keir

    Class 6: 


    Values Stars:


    Reception: Aaliyah Midda

    Class 1: Elsie Birchall

    Class 2: Mazvita Sabawo-Zonke

    Class 3: James McGarry

    Class 4: Matilda Begley

    Class 5: Sophie Bennett

    Class 6: 

    Well done to all of our stars!!   


    The best attending class this week was:  Reception - Well done!


    Class attendances are as follows:


    Reception: 97 %

    Class 1: 94.8 %

    Class 2: 93.5 %

    Class 3: 93.1 %

    Class 4: 95.9 %

    Class 5: 95.1 %

    Class 6: 92.6 %


    Whole School: 94.6 %


    The most punctual classes this week were: Class 1, Class 3 and Class 5  -Well done!


    Class lates are as follows:


    Reception: 4 lates

    Class 1: 1 late

    Class 2: 4 lates

    Class 3: 1 late

    Class 4: 5 lates

    Class 5: 1 late

    Class 6: 3 lates

  • Y3 & 4 Sports Day

    Thu 13 Jul 2023 Mrs Hall

    After a drizzly start to the day, we were thrilled when the sun finally started to come our so our sports day could go ahead. 


    All of the children did themselves proud and threw themselves into every activity.


    Thank you to the Year 5 helpers, you were so encouraging. Thank you to all of the parents, grandparents and family members who came to support the event. A special thank you to all of those brave parents and grandparents who gave in to the children's pleas and took part on the adults' race - well done all of you! 


    Finally, a massive THANK YOU! to Mr Moran for running not one, but four sports days this year. The children had so much fun as I'm sure the adults did too, 

  • Music Performance

    Wed 12 Jul 2023 Mrs Hall

    Thank you to everyone who attended our musical showcase this afternoon. The guitar and ukulele groups strummed their hearts out; Year 3 tooted away on their ocarinas and Year 4 piped up on their recorders. We hope you enjoyed the performances.
