
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

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'Class stars' are children selected by the class teacher - it could be for extra hard work, a great attitude or achieving something individual to the pupil.

  • Staff Inset Training

    Mon 14 Nov 2016 Mrs Hall

    Staff had a detention tonight in the form of Twilight Training. We have to do lots of these over the course of the year in order to put all of the Inset days together for an extra week off in May! 

    Just in case you were wondering what we do at these, here is a little taster! Tonight, we were joined by one of our School Improvement Officers for Mathematics who gave us in depth training on the use of Numicon. 

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 11 Nov 2016 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Josie Killen and Bertie Fisher

    Class 1: Harry Hufton and Eva O'Neill

    Class 2: James Lynes and Lucy Taylor

    Class 3 : Arianne Brunskill and Cerys Cookson

    Class 4 : Felicity Lamkin and Oliver Lynes

    Class 5 : Daniel Taylor and Liam Povall

    Class 6 : Ruby Tyrer and Mia Snelham


    Reading Stars:


    Reception: Charlotte McGregor

    Class 1: Michael Jones

    Class 2: Austin Taylor

    Class 3: Abigayle Irving

    Class 4: Lucy Jefferson

    Class 5: Elise Barton

    Class 6: Charlie Foulkes


    French Stars:

    KS1:                             KS2: 


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Derby


    P.E. Class of the Week: Class 4


    The best attending class this week was Class 5 - well done!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 98.7 % 

    Class 1: 90 %

    Class 2: 88.7 %

    Class 3: 96.5 %

    Class 4: 97.7 %

    Class 5: 99.3 %

    Class 6: 97.3 %


    The most punctual classes this week were Class 1 and Class 5 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 3 lates

    Class 1: 4 lates

    Class 2: 1 late

    Class 3: 6 lates

    Class 4: 3 lates

    Class 5: 1 lates

    Class 6: 5 lates

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 04 Nov 2016 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Iolo Taylor and Esme Windle

    Class 1: Owen Skidmore and Ellie Lynch

    Class 2: Daisy Flynn and Caitlin Rogers

    Class 3 : Faye Walker and Jayden Yates-Hawkins

    Class 4 : Rikke Bloxsome and Ella De Costa Stewart

    Class 5 : Mia O'Neill and Harry Vaughan

    Class 6 : Jack Flynn and Ellie O'Donnell


    Reading Stars:


    Reception: Harry Stewart

    Class 1: Ruth McKane

    Class 2: Kyzara McGill

    Class 3: Lucy Fisher

    Class 4: Danika Hale

    Class 5: James Stewart

    Class 6: Joseph Tully


    French Stars:

    KS1: Harry Hufton        KS2: Phoebe Holmes


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Molyneux


    P.E. Class of the Week: Class 2


    The best attending class this week was Class 4 -100% - Fantastic!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 94.5 % 

    Class 1: 98.7 %

    Class 2: 97.4 %

    Class 3: 96.8 %

    Class 4: 100 %

    Class 5: 98.3 %

    Class 6: 98.7 %


    The most punctual class this week was Class 1 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 3 lates

    Class 1: 0 lates

    Class 2: 3 lates

    Class 3: 13 lates

    Class 4: 1 late

    Class 5: 2 lates

    Class 6: 4 lates
