
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

Star Pupils

This week's Star Pupils are:


Reception: Poppy Brown and Emily Boyes

Class 1: Evelyn Armstrong and Alex Hale

Class 2: Swara Borad and Skye Bendall

Class 3: James McKane and Joshua Burns

Class 4: Elsie Cunningham and Daisie-Mae Keggin-Holt

Class 5: Savannah Ames, Tamana Seyed-Alikhani and Holly Holmes

Class 6: Melissa Cameron and Oliver Yu



Reading Stars:


Reception: Rauja Dowdeswell

Class 1: Elias Ward

Class 2: Seb Lamkin

Class 3: Zack Lowry-Morton

Class 4: Joshua Holmes

Class 5: Emily Stewart

Class 6: Ava Hughes


Well done to all of our stars!!   


The best attending classes this week were: Reception and Class 3 - 100% - Fantastic!


Class attendances are as follows:


Reception: 100 %

Class 1: 96.3 %

Class 2: 93.3 %

Class 3: 100  %

Class 4: 93.9 %

Class 5: 98 %

Class 6: 94 %


Whole School: 96.6 %


Punctuality this week has dropped with all classes have multiple lates.


The most punctual class this week was: Class 1


Class lates are as follows:


Reception:8 lates

Class 1: 2 lates

Class 2: 8 lates

Class 3: 3 lates

Class 4: 9 lates

Class 5: 3 lates

Class 6: 5 lates
