Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
St Mary's C .E Primary School West Derby
Meadow Lane
L12 5EA
Tel: 0151 2262038
Email: admin@st-maryswestderby.liverpool.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr D Harrop
All enquiries should be addressed to the school Business Manager - Mrs J Driscoll
School SENDCo: Mrs E Bailey
The SENDCo can be contacted by telephoning the school or by email
Safeguarding lead: Mrs W Walsh
Chair of Governors: Mr J Cain
If you require any paper copies of any of the information on this site, please call into the school office where we will take details of your request. Alternatively, you can make a request by telephoning or emailing the school office ( above ) and we shall provide copies as soon as possible.
The process for contacting any Governor is through admin@st-maryswestderby.liverpool.sch.uk marked for their attention. If your query is relating to our current re-opening, online learning and next steps, please be assured that the Senior Leadership can help you with this and we are continuing to answer as many of your questions as possible.
Further governor information can be found at https://www.stmaryswestderby.co.uk/governors-page/