Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
SIAMS (Church School) Inspection
July 2017
Character and Ethos
“The school’s Christian character gives excellent support to all aspects of school life. This is widely acknowledged and valued by staff and parents and by the pupils themselves. As a result, the school is a purposeful and happy community.”
“The school’s Christian vision, ‘Rooted in faith, nurtured in love, striving for success, growing God’s children’ underpins collective worship, religious education (RE) and pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development. It makes a significant contribution to pupils’ very good behaviour and to their positive attitudes to learning.” |
Our pupils
“The excellence of pupils’ well-being and personal development is an outward sign of the school’s commitment to nurturing every child as a child of God.”
“Pupils’ personal development and well-being have high priority. Parents share times when the school has ‘gone the extra mile’ to ensure that their children are happy and thrive.”
“They are rightly confident that staff know their children well and work hard to ensure that they flourish in a Christian environment and enjoy their time at school.”
Leadership and Management impacting Learning
“With Jesus as their role model, school leaders prioritise pupils’ spiritual and academic growth. Consequently, pupils’ attainment is above average and they make good, and sometimes very good progress.”
“The headteacher, supported by staff and governors, has a clear vision for the school based on Christian principles and values.”
“The school’s intention of ‘seeing staff flourish, playing their part in God’s family’ is well lived out.”
Parents and partnerships
“Parents feel confident when sharing concerns and difficulties and know that their concerns will be quickly and effectively dealt with. Pupils are rightly confident that their teachers are always there for them and say that they don’t have to feel worried if they don’t know what to do in lessons.”
Curriculum and learning
“The curriculum is relevant and interesting and consequently pupils are enthusiastic learners.”
OFSTED – November 2016
Leadership and Management:
School leaders have created a strong ethos where the school’s Christian values underpin all aspects of its practice. This has created a harmonious environment
in which children are happy, safe and secure.
You (Headteacher), senior leaders and governors are committed to improving the school further. Staff are on board with the direction that you have set for the school.
Ethos, behaviour and safety:
There is an atmosphere of care and support in the school. Pupils feel safe.
Pupils live out the school’s values of tolerance and respect.
The leadership of safeguarding is a strength of the School.
Ethos and learning:
The school has a small number of children who are looked after and provision for these pupils is similarly personalised. In one session, pupils were supported to understand others’ feelings.
You have addressed many challenges since the last inspection, including tackling some of the weakest teaching. The result is a renewed sense of purpose
and a school that looks towards the future.