Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
This week's Star Pupils are:
Reception: Daniel Huyn and Ryan O'Neill
Class 1: Finn Garrett-Butler and Abigail Irving
Class 2: Jessica Hale and Rikke Bloxsome
Class 3 : Daniel Taylor and Scarlett Tully
Class 4 : Amy Butler and Lexie Hufton
Class 5 :Megan Daley and Cara Kehoe
Class 6 : Katelyn Willock and Olivia McIntyre
Well done to all of our stars!!
House of the Week is: Molyneux
The best attending class was Class 2 - Well done!
The class attendances were as follows:
Reception: 95.8 %
Class 1 - 89.7 %
Class 2 - 99.3%
Class 3 - 92.9 %
Class 4 - 98 %
Class 5 - 98.1 %
Class 6 - 94.4 %
The most punctual classes were - Reception, Class 1 and Class 3 - Well done!
Class lates were as follows:
Reception - 0 lates
Class 1 - 0 lates
Class 2 - 1 late
Class 3 - 0 lates
Class 4 - 2 lates
Class 5 - 3 lates
Class 6 - 2 lates