
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

Year 6 Breakfast

Following Collective Worship, Year 6 were treated to a Continental style Breakfast!  After all their hard work this week, we felt it was important to celebrate the determination, courage, perseverance and effort they put in.  Despite news headlines this morning from the Secretary of State for Education who seems against this - we still believe it is essential to celebrate the success and the conclusion of this assessment landmark.  We will continue to celebrate the success of ALL OUR PUPILS.  Learning continues on Monday (there's the rest of the curriculum to teach before July) ... but for today, let's show we believe in our children and honour the effort the they have put it.


​The children throughly enjoyed their time to chat and reflect on the week just gone and were so polite, thankful and grateful for the experience.
