
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed


Dear parents and carers,


Sporting Success


The past few weeks have been incredibly successful weeks for our sport teams at St. Mary’s. Our boys Cross-Country team became league champions with a perfect points total of 100 having won every race throughout the season. Last week our success continued in cross-country at the small school’s city championship in which our Y6 boys’ team were crowned champions and also our Y5 boys team finished as champions. Year 6 were led home by Jake Irving in 1st place and Y5 by Junior Connolly who was also 1st. Our Y5 girls team also produced an outstanding performance finishing 3rd.  Our Y6 girls just missed out on a top 3 finish, however their strong performance meant that they also qualified, with the other 3 teams, for the champion of champions race on Monday afternoon.


Last Monday children from years 5 and 6 showed that our sporting talents are not only in cross-country and football when they finished as joint winners of our qualifying swimming gala competition. This meant that our team progressed to the city final on Friday at which they finished 2nd behind an extremely strong Runnymede team. Well done to everyone who represented the team and all the parents who support made it such an amazing competition.


Future events


Due to the disappointment of not being able to invite families into school for parents evening, as a result of the highest numbers of positive cases in staff and children we have ever had throughout the pandemic during the past few weeks, we will be offering parents an opportunity during the Summer Term to visit your child’s class to spend time reading with your child and looking through their books and the work they have completed. We will be splitting these events into two groups so that classrooms don’t become too congested with adults and children so one group of parents will be 2:00pm until 2:25pm and the next group 2:35pm until 3:00pm. The provisional dates we have booked for these events are Tuesday 24th May for Years 6, 5 and 4 and then Wednesday 25th May for Reception, Years 1 and 2. More information will be sent out nearer the time and we very much look forward to welcoming everyone back to school after what seems like such a long, long time.


We will also be inviting parents to our Summer Sports Days which we held last year without any parents in attendance due to national guidance. These events will take place on Tuesday 5th July for our KS2 children and on Thursday 7th for our Reception, Y1 and Y2 children. Exact times and attendance information will be provided prior to the events and we will be keeping everything crossed for wonderful weather and lots of fun.


Our amazing PTFA have booked Saturday 2nd July for this years Summer Fayre. Jo Lamkin has already started to plan and organise what stalls and events will be at this year’s event and I’m sure it will be another incredible day to be enjoyed by our school community and local community.


On Wednesday our PTFA will have stalls on the KS1 and KS2 yard with Easter egg activities for children and parents. We will be sending more information out via parent app at the beginning of the week.


Parking outside school


Parking over the past few weeks seems to have improved and the inconsiderate parking that was blocking pavements and crossing areas has declined however there have been a number of vehicles parking on the Zig Zag lines directly in front of the new parking banner on the Castle Site side of school. Please do not park on the Zig Zag lines as this is a danger to all children and parents trying to access school through the gate located on Castle Site. A number of cars have been reported to Merseyside Police through the email and our Community Support Team have informed school they will be visiting school again in the near future. Please park considerately and consider the danger you may be putting another member of our school community in if you park blocking the crossing areas or on zig zag lines.


Covid update


This half term has been especially difficult for families and staff due to the significant number of children and staff who have tested positive in a relatively short amount of time in school. Staff absence due to Covid is currently at an all time high nationally and covering classes has been extremely difficult due to a lack of supply staff locally which has meant that an increasing number of schools have had to revert back to remote learning or reduce the number of days certain classes are in school. We have continued to try and do everything that we can to manage the risk that Covid brings on a daily basis to ensure that we limit the impact Covid may have on our children or staff as. This at times has meant making difficult decisions such as holding parents evening online in an attempt to ensure we do not have classes without their class teacher or children absent from school. During this half term we have had several children and members of staff become extremely ill after testing positive and I do not wish to increase the risk of any individual starting their Easter break ill having contracted Covid during the final days of the term. As a result of the disappointment of not being able to invite parents in when cases have been so high we have planned the class visits detailed above to ensure parents have an opportunity to see the amazing work our children have completed this year.


National guidance now means that any child who tests positive must self-isolate for 3 days but can return to school on day 4 if they feel well enough and do not have a temperature. Any adult who tests positive must isolate for 5 days but can also return after this if they feel well enough. A second test to check if a child or adult is no longer positive is no longer required.


Safe and Responsible use of Social Media


We have been made aware of some potential inappropriate use of social media by a small number of pupils. This has taken place outside school however parents have brought it to our attention. We’d like to remind parents and children that there is a minimum age for use of these sites for example; TikTok and Snapchat 13 years of age and WhatsApp is 16 years of age.

We will continue to share key online safety messages with all our children in school and we ask that these messages are repeated at home and that children are supervised if given access to any of these sites.


Finishing times for Friday 8th April


Reception, Year 6 and Year 4 will be dismissed at 1:20pm


Year 1 and Year 3 will be dismissed at 1:25pm


Year 2 and Year 5 will be dismissed at 1:30pm


Kind regards and I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter with family and friends,


Mr D Harrop
