Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for your fantastic support of our Book Fair. We had a wonderful response and sold £1055.98 worth of books which means we can claim 60% commission from Scholastic Books. These books will be sent directly for classroom use and so any money gained at the fair is ploughed straight back into our reading stock.
A very big thank you must go to Mr Dunsby and Mrs Swords who ran the book fair for most of the week. We will definitely be requesting their skills again! Thank you also to Mrs Guilfoyle, Mrs Hargreaves and Mrs Gill who also gave up their valuable time to help events run smoothly.
Book fairs are a marvellous way to encourage your child to read, so don't forget to join us again in March for the next one!
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Armstrong.