
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

Star Pupils

This week's Star Pupils are:



Class 1: Hattie Tickle

Class 2: The Whole Class

Class 3 : Faye Walker and Alicia Kelly

Class 4 : Ada Nicholson-Pike and Georgia Martlew

Class 5 : Alex Waldron and Kate Banlon

Class 6 :  Aaron Anto and Joseph Tully


Reading Stars:



Class 1: Isla Davidson

Class 2: Seth Bloxsome

Class 3: Jamie-Leigh Dunne

Class 4: Charles Fisher

Class 5: George Hunter

Class 6: Nicole Griffith


French Stars:

KS1: Bertie Fisher     KS2: Megan McGregor


Well done to all of our stars!!


House of the Week: Molyneux


P.E. Class of the Week: Class 2


The best attending class this week was:   Class 1- 100% - fantastic!


Class attendances were as follows:


Reception: 96.3 % 

Class 1: 100 %

Class 2: 95 %

Class 3: 93.2 %

Class 4: 98.7 %

Class 5: 95.9 % 

Class 6: 95 %


The most punctual classes this week were: Class 1and Class 4 - well done!


Class Lates this week are:


Reception: 1 late

Class 1: 0 lates

Class 2: 4 lates

Class 3: 4 lates

Class 4: 0 lates

Class 5: 1 late

Class 6: 3 lates
