Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
This week's Star Pupils are:
Reception: Leo Rutland and Michael Byrne
Class 1: Ava Hughes and Bertie Fisher
Class 2: Joseph Hill and Lewi Cook
Class 3 : Anna Igbinosun and Lucy Fisher
Class 4 : India Leung-Vaughan and Alicia Kelly
Class 5 : Felicity Lamkin and Sam Jones-Bramhill
Class 6 : George Hunter and Jessica Barlow
Reading Stars:
Reception: Bethany Caine
Class 1: Charlie McCabe
Class 2: Lucy Caine
Class 3: Ruby Saunders
Class 4: Faye Smith
Class 5: Olivia Keir
Class 6: Isobella Beesley-Hayes
French Stars:
KS1: Bella Kilty KS2: Tyus Henry
Well done to all of our stars!!
House of the Week: Molyneux
P.E. Class of the Week: Class 5