Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
This week's Star Pupils are:
Reception: Joshua Lloyd-Hesp and Elsie Goetzee
Class 1: Rory Price and Isaac Liu
Class 2: Nathaniel Dickinson and Otis Ryan
Class 3: Emmie Gibbs and Isla Stevenson-Mattei
Class 4: Zack Lory-Morton and Archie Styles
Class 5: Tom Beech and Maggie Hill
Class 6: James Angus and Bethany Caine
Reading Stars:
Reception: Charlotte Conroy
Class 1: George Deakin
Class 2: Zack Franklin
Class 3: Thomas Smith
Class 4: Savannah Fitzgerald
Class 5: Jenson Blundell
Class 6: Hugo Robinson
Values Stars:
Reception: Darcie Dawson
Class 1: Poppy Pearson
Class 2: Nancy Dillon
Class 3: Sophie Cao
Class 4: Teddy Love
Class 5: Beau Worral, Anna Hale, Amelia Jones, Jessica Keeley and Cora-Mai Ramsell
Class 6: Nathan Chen
Well done to all of our stars!!
The best attending class this week was: Class 6 - Well done!
Class attendances are as follows:
Reception: 91.9 %
Class 1: 97.8 %
Class 2: 89.3 %
Class 3: 95.7 %
Class 4: 98.2 %
Class 5: 92.3 %
Class 6: 98.5 %
Whole School: 94.7 %
The most punctual class this week was: Class 2 - well done!
Class lates are as follows:
Reception: 6 lates
Class 1: 7 lates
Class 2: 2 lates
Class 3: 4 lates
Class 4: 5 lates
Class 5: 4 lates
Class 6: 3 lates