Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
This week's Star Pupils are:
Reception: Anna Rice and Teddy Oliver
Class 1: Hollie Elliott and Poppy Brown
Class 2: Otis Ryan and Ethan Shackleton
Class 3: Joseph Pearson and Annabelle Hargreaves
Class 4: Elizabeth Holland and Thomas Lynes
Class 5: Emily Anders and Tom Beech
Class 6: Jasmine Keir and Oscar Gaughan
Reading Stars:
Reception: Olivia-Mary Riley-Sinclair
Class 1: Penelope Donnelly
Class 2: Albie Fitzgerald
Class 3: Finley Holmes
Class 4: Ethan Vengesayi
Class 5: Luke Bendall
Class 6: James Angus
Values Stars:
Reception: Ethan Holmes
Class 1: Sonny Begley
Class 2: Sophia Keeley
Class 3: Alex Brodin
Class 4: Mary Cook
Class 5: Eilah Joel
Class 6: Holly Holmes
P.E. Class of the Week:
KS1: Class 1 KS2: Class 4
Well done to all of our stars!!
The best attending class this week was: Class 6 - 100% - Fantastic!
Class attendances are as follows:
Reception: 95.2 %
Class 1: 97.8 %
Class 2: 93 %
Class 3: 98.9 %
Class 4: 97.8 %
Class 5: 97.4 %
Class 6: 100 %
Whole School: 97.2 %
The most punctual classes this week were: Class 1 and Class 5 - Well done!
Class lates are as follows:
Reception: 8 lates
Class 1: 2 lates
Class 2: 4 lates
Class 3: 14 lates
Class 4: 5 lates
Class 5: 2 late
Class 6: 4 lates