Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
This week's Star Pupils are:
Reception: Albert Hill and Darcie Dawson
Class 1: Leo Gotha, Isaac Liu, Alex McGarry and Gaia Bushell-Ricci
Class 2: Albie Fitzgerald and Violet Lloyd
Class 3: George Connolly and Swara Borad
Class 4: Isabel Barrett and Iyla Stokes
Class 5: Emily Anders and Cora-Mai Ramsell
Class 6:Katie Marsden and Hrishi Borad
Reading Stars:
Reception: Anna Rice
Class 1: Isla Rothan and Harriet Angus
Class 2: Lucas McEvoy
Class 3: Joseph Pearson
Class 4: Poppy Wignall
Class 5: Reuben Danns
Class 6: Jack Bulger
Values Stars:
Reception: Olivia-Mary Riley-Sinclair
Class 1: Penelope Donnelly and Harry Payne
Class 2: Dolly Battle
Class 3: Erin Brooks
Class 4:
Class 5: Jessica Keeley
Class 6: Sophie Bennett
P.E. Class of the Week:
KS1: Class 2 KS2: Class 4
Well done to all of our stars!!
The best attending class this week was: Class 1 - Well done!
Class attendances are as follows:
Reception: 93.7 %
Class 1: 99.6 %
Class 2: 98.1 %
Class 3: 97.1 %
Class 4: 98.9 %
Class 5: 95.9 %
Class 6: 98.1 %
Whole School: 97.4 %
The most punctual classes this week were: Class 2 and Class 5 - Well done!
Class lates are as follows:
Reception: 6 lates
Class 1: 7 lates
Class 2: 1 late
Class 3: 12 lates
Class 4: 2 lates
Class 5: 1 late
Class 6: 5 lates