Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
This week's Star Pupils are:
Reception: Joshua Lloyd-Hesp and Aiden Oliver
Class 1: Billy Tickle-Brennand and Rory Price
Class 2: Freddie Rooney and Nathaniel Dickinson
Class 3: Jasper Price and Anaiah Woltman
Class 4: Alice Eastwood and Mary Cook
Class 5: Maggie Hill and Layla Saddington
Class 6: Carter Porter and Savannah Ames
Reading Stars:
Reception: Ethan Banks
Class 1: Raiya Dowdeswell
Class 2: Gabriella Lau
Class 3: Florence Cunningham
Class 4: Joshua Burns
Class 5: Jenson Blundell
Class 6: Thomas Payne
Value Stars:
Reception: Charlotte Conroy
Class 1: Hollie Elliot
Class 2: Oscar Ormond
Class 3: Penny O'Shaughnessy
Class 4:
Class 5: Emily Anders
Class 6: Katie Marsden
Well done to all of our stars!!
The best attending class this week was : Class 1 - Well done!
Class attendances are as follows:
Reception: 95.6 %
Class 1: 98.9 %
Class 2: 91.1 %
Class 3: 96.1 %
Class 4: 98.6 %
Class 5: 96.7 %
Class 6: 98.5 %
Whole School: 96.5 %
The most punctual class this week was: Class 5 - Well done!
Class lates are as follows:
Reception: 7 lates
Class 1: 4 lates
Class 2: 2 lates
Class 3: 2 lates
Class 4: 4 lates
Class 5: 0 lates
Class 6: 7 lates