
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

Star Pupils

This week's Star Pupils are:


Reception: Elyse Leigh and Charlotte Conroy

Class 1: Heidi Styles and Poppy Pearson

Class 2: Zack Franklin and George Toulmin

Class 3: Freya Gotham and Joseph Pearson

Class 4: Elizabeth Holland and Alice Eastwood

Class 5: Cora-Mai Ramsell and Freddie Swales

Class 6: James Angus and Holly Holmes



Reading Stars:

Reception: Orla Kennedy

Class 1: Tobias Dean

Class 2: Scarlett Surplice

Class 3: Swara Borad

Class 4: Evie Leigh

Class 5: Luke Bendall

Class 6: Emily Stewart


Value Stars:

Reception: Aiden Oliver

Class 1: Poppy Brown

Class 2: Elias Ward

Class 3: Eve Taylor

Class 4: Ethan Vengesayi

Class 5: Matilda Begley

Class 6: Grace McKane


P.E. Class of the Week

KS1: Year 1                         KS2: Year 4


Well done to all of our stars!!   


The best attending class this week was : Class 6- Well done!


Class attendances are as follows:


Reception: 932%

Class 1: 95 %

Class 2: 87 %

Class 3: 95.5 %

Class 4: 95.5 %

Class 5: 95.6 %

Class 6: 97 %


Whole School: 93.9 %

