
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

Star Pupils

This week's Star Pupils are:


Reception: Austin Dickinson and Archie Aspinall

Class 1: Ethan Holmes and Jacob Munroe

Class 2: Penelope Donnolly and Isla Rothan

Class 3: Dolly Battle and Zack Franklin

Class 4: Sophie Cao and Jude Hale

Class 5: Savannah Fitzgerald and Joshua Burns

Class 6: Eilah Joel and Grace Hughes



Reading Stars:

Reception: Evie Lewis

Class 1: Ada Anderson

Class 2: Rory Price

Class 3: Lucas McEvoy

Class 4: Lourdez Porter

Class 5: Archie Styles

Class 6: Luke Bendall


Value Stars:

Reception: Bryan Seyed-Alikhani

Class 1: Ray Pritchard

Class 2: George Deakin

Class 3: Nancy Dillon

Class 4: Anaiah Woltman

Class 5: Teddy Love

Class 6: Tom Beech


P.E. Class of the Week:


Class 5


Well done to all of our stars!!   

