Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
This week's Star Pupils are:
Reception: Katelyn Rogers and James Lynes
Class 1: Faye Smith and Jasmine Whittle
Class 2: Oliver Lynes and Jessica Hale
Class 3 : Harry Morrison and Sophie McGregor
Class 4 : Charlie Foulkes and Ellie O'Donnell
Class 5 : Jake Fletcher and Ben Hale
Class 6 : Faith Lawrence and Sam Wilson
French Stars:
KS1: Austin Taylor KS2: Charlie Foulkes
Well done to all of our stars!!
P.E. Class of the Week:
KS1: Class 2 KS2: Class 6
House of the Week is: Molyneux
The best attending class was Class 2 - well done!
The class attendances were as follows:
Reception: 94.5 %
Class 1 - 96.9 %
Class 2 - 99.3 %
Class 3 - 98.1 %
Class 4 - 92.3 %
Class 5 - 98.7 %
Class 6 - 98.9 %
The most punctual class was - Class 6 - Well done!
Class lates were as follows:
Reception - 2 lates
Class 1 - 3 lates
Class 2 - 2 lates
Class 3 - 1 late
Class 4 - 2 lates
Class 5 - 3 lates
Class 6 - 0 lates