Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
Star Pupils this week are:
Reception: Caitlin Rogers and Toby Hunter
Class 1: Everyone in Class 1
Class 2: Everyone in Class 2
Class 3: Molly Mitchell and Scarlett Smith
Class 4: Amy Martlew and Luci Hollis
Class 5: Rebekah Hale and Ellie Henderson
Class 6: Everyone in Class 6
A fantastic effort with Attendance saw 31 children receive their Gold Award for never having a day off all year - brilliant!
House of the Week: Molyneux
House of the Year : Sefton
French Linguist of the Year : Anna Igbinosun
Reading Recovery Stars:
Evie-May Perkins
Frankie Hutchinson
Harry Smith
Phoebe Holmes
Jasmine Whittle
Well done to all of our stars!