Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
Welcome back!
The new Academic Year of 2015/16 is fast approaching; I hope you have all had a great summer and feel energised ready for September! It promises to be yet another great experience at St Mary's this year.
Over the summer, School had undergone a real transformation! I don't want to tell you 'too much' as it will spoil the surprise when you enter via the main doors. The entrance to school and what was known as 'the blue area' looks 'amazing'! The plans for this part of School have been in the 'dream and design' phase for quite sometime now and it is great to see them come together. This is part one of a two phase plan that will be implemented later in the year. I want to thank Mr Walker for his role in co-ordinating a great team of Builders (BPL) who brought this project about so quickly and efficiently! The plans for our 'transformation' only went live during the final two days of the Summer Term - having it completed in time for September was always our aim and it's so good to see that aim realised.
Just a quick reminder that School starts officially for pupils at 8.50am on Wednesday 2nd September 2015. Staff start back on Tuesday 1st September for INSET. While you have your diaries... on Monday 7th September we have the 'Welcome to Year Group Meeting' for Year 1 and Year 2 at 3.40pm and 5pm. On Tuesday 8th September it is the turn of Year 3 and Year 4 and on Wednesday 9th September, Year 5 and Year 6. Each meeting will be held at the same time, repeated in case of clashes and will be in your child's classroom.
On Tuesday we will welcome three new permanent members of staff to St Mary's: Mrs Bailey, Miss Turpin (Y3) and Mrs Walsh (Y6). We are looking forward to them taking up their new posts and adding to the rich tapestry of learning that will take place. We will also be joined by a specialist Reading Recovery and Intervention Teacher (name to be confirmed) provided by Liverpool LA. This teacher will be with us for approximately two and a half terms and work alongside Mrs Bell.
We were given the opportunity to establish a partnership with the 'Beanstalk Reading Charity', once again funded by Liverpool LA. This is a national charity that has been running for 30 years. 2 Beanstalk Readers will work in School for three hours a week and work 1:1 with children to boost their reading and comprehension skills. Yet another exciting development for 2015/16!
Finally! Over the next few weeks, we will begin the process of electing a new Parent Governor. Please think whether this is something you would like to be nominated for and stand for election. Being a Governor is an integral role within the life of St Mary's where you can use your skills and talents. It is demanding yet fulfilling. More information will be given in September but please do speak with Mr Grocott (Chair of Govs) or myself for more information.
I hope this information has been useful and I look forward to catching up with everyone on Wednesday.
Mr Hargreaves - Headteacher