Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
Wow! What an amazing assortment of characters we have in school today, from the cast of the Harry Potter books to Dr Seus, Wimpy Kid to classic texts - you were all brilliant.
Everyone took part in a catwalk so that all costumes could be seen. Members of the School Council judged the costumes and chose a winner from KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2 - congratulations to everyone for taking part.
Children have also also undertaken various book-related activities today including writing short stories, designing book covers and designing their own newt for a book mark.
Almost every child received a book of their choosing which was acquired using their book voucher. There has been a problem with the sheer volume of requests this year so some books will not be arriving until tomorrow. A few children took their voucher instead as their book of choice was no longer available despite our best efforts.
A massive thank you to Mrs Lynch, Mrs McKane and Miss Tindsley who have helped me source as many books as possible.