Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed
For phonics this week we are looking at homophones. I would like you to take a look at the spelling list below that needs to be learnt. I have also provided the a link for some homophone games.
For Maths I have attached a powerpoint, a video and a worksheet.
For Literacy I would like you to have a go at writing your first paragraph for your persuasive letter. Be sure to only introduce what you are going to write about. Underneath I have written my own introduction. Read it and try and have a go at doing your own.
Dear Jack, When I read the letter from the giant I knew straight away that you definitely shouldn’t climb the beanstalk. It would be a really silly idea and probably terribly dangerous too. I would like to explain to you all the different, awful reasons why you should not risk your life by visiting that horrible giant.
For Science we are learning about wind turbines so I would like you to read through the powerpoint. Once you have read through I would like you to take a look at the blank timeline and fill it in. You can use the completed timeline sheet to help you.