
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

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'Class stars' are children selected by the class teacher - it could be for extra hard work, a great attitude or achieving something individual to the pupil.

  • Punctuality

    Sun 30 Oct 2016 Mr Hargreaves



    School officially starts at 8.50am and it is a real commendation that so many families arrive in time to line up by 8.50am.  Thank you! 


    Following half term our punctuality procedures will be fine-tuned.  Once children have lined up and the last class entered School, the yard door will be closed.  Simultaneously, Mr Moran will close the ‘Village’ gate and Mrs Lynch the ‘Castlesite’ gate.  Although parents will be able to exit from these gates, no pupil will be admitted.  All children arriving after this point should therefore only use the main entrance to school (through the Office entrance). 


    We have always monitored lates and have tried to assist parents where we can.  From half term a slip will be given each time a late is recorded and if a pupil is late on three occasions we will be offering further support.  Life is unpredictable and unexpected events do occur – we completely understand this which is why we are using 3 lates as a first trigger point.


    Once again thank you to the large majority of families that begin the day promptly, allowing your child the best start for their learning and give their class to opportunity to celebrate ‘Most Punctual Class of the Week’ each Friday.


    Thank you for your assistance in keeping learning at the centre of life at St Mary’s.

  • Royal Correspondence!

    Mon 24 Oct 2016 Mrs Hall
    Following school's birthday celebrations for the Queen’s 90th, Mrs Wright wrote, and beautifully decorated, a letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and sent it to her along with portraits painted by Reception Class (current Year 1). The envelope was so colourful that it attracted attention at the Palace and they sent a reply! Mrs Wright was over the moon to receive her letter from the Queen.
  • Star Pupils

    Fri 21 Oct 2016 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Michael Stokes and Ava Hughes

    Class 1: Evie Walsh and Joshua Bennett

    Class 2: Anna Igbinosun and Max Hollis

    Class 3 : Alicia Kelly and Tommy Butland

    Class 4 : Ada Nicholson-Pike, Charles Fisher, Eden Pickavance and                Georgia Martlew 

    Class 5 : 

    Class 6 : Jack Flynn and Ellie O'Donnell


    Reading Stars:


    Reception: Lucas Oliver

    Class 1: Harry Hufton

    Class 2: Izzie Vaughan

    Class 3: Eva Sumpter

    Class 4: Ella Ip

    Class 5: 

    Class 6: Alfie Turney


    French Stars:

    KS1: Evie Jones        KS2: Sean Bulger


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Alt


    P.E. Class of the Week: Class 4


    The best attending class this week was Class 2 -100% - Fantastic!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 98.1 % 

    Class 1: 95.3 %

    Class 2: 100 %

    Class 3: 95.6 %

    Class 4: 92.3 %

    Class 5: 98.7 %

    Class 6: 97.7 %


    The most punctual class this week was Class 1 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 1 late

    Class 1: 0 lates

    Class 2: 2 lates

    Class 3: 4 lates

    Class 4: 3 lates

    Class 5: 1 late

    Class 6: 4 lates

  • Liverpool North Foodbank

    Thu 20 Oct 2016 Mrs Hall


    Today we were visited by the Nirth Liverpool Foodbank who came in to thank us all for the generous donations from the Harvest service. They played a tasting game with Mr Kirby where he had to guess which foods he was eating whilst blindfolded. Then they told us about how many people would be fed by our donations as well as telling us about how 93 volunteers fed over 5,000 people each year. 

    Our Ethos Ambassadors then took delivery of a collection box to enable us to bring in any donations of food each week.


  • Star Pupils

    Fri 14 Oct 2016 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Zac Blundell and Krysta Gornell

    Class 1: Ethan Strevens and Daisy Beech

    Class 2: Ruby Saunders and Max Little

    Class 3 : Faye Smith and Alicia Kelly

    Class 4 : Sammy-Joe Foulkes, Maisie McGregor and Tilly Carroll

    Class 5 : Megan McGregor and James Stewart

    Class 6 : Nicole Griffiths, Lexie Hufton and Michael Tunstead


    Reading Stars:


    Reception: Iolo Taylor

    Class 1: Evie Walsh

    Class 2: Renee Smith

    Class 3: Pearl Swales

    Class 4: Emilia Parker

    Class 5: Kate Banlin

    Class 6: Paul Dalkin


    French Stars:

    KS1: Libby-Jo Search        KS2: Sammy-Joe Foulkes


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Derby


    The best attending class this week was Class 1 -100% - Fantastic!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 98.1 % 

    Class 1: 100 %

    Class 2: 99.7 %

    Class 3: 95.6 %

    Class 4: 95.3 %

    Class 5: 98 %

    Class 6: 98.3 %


    The most punctual classes this week were Class 1, Class 3 and Class 6 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 2 lates

    Class 1: 0 lates

    Class 2: 1 late

    Class 3: 0 lates

    Class 4: 1 late

    Class 5: 1 late

    Class 6: 0 lates

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 07 Oct 2016 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception:Verity Robinson and Josie Killen

    Class 1: Joseph Hill and Eva Cavanagh

    Class 2: Isla Leung-Vaughan and Austin Taylor

    Class 3 : Ava Cashmore and Tyus Henry

    Class 4 : Abi Grice and Lucas Snelham

    Class 5 : Will Jones and Abbie Douglas

    Class 6 : Mia Smith and Ethan Robinson


    Reading Stars:


    Reception: Scarlett Thompson

    Class 1: Daisy Beech

    Class 2: Charlie McGrath

    Class 3: Alix Cain

    Class 4: Oliver Lynes

    Class 5: Sophie McGregor

    Class 6: Jack Flynn


    French Stars:

    KS1: Jacob Irving        KS2: Lucy Jefferson


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Alt


    The best attending class this week was Class 2 -100% - Fantastic!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 98.1 % 

    Class 1: 97 %

    Class 2: 100 %

    Class 3: 95 %

    Class 4: 97.3 %

    Class 5: 98.7 %

    Class 6: 98.7 %


    The most punctual class this week was Class 1 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 4 lates

    Class 1: 0 lates

    Class 2: 7 lates

    Class 3: 13 lates

    Class 4: 4 lates

    Class 5: 2 lates

    Class 6: 8 lates

  • Open The Book

    Wed 05 Oct 2016 Mrs Hall
    Today was our first Open The Book assembly of the year. We were presented with the story of the Marvellous Picnic which told how two fishes and five loaves of bread were shared by Jesus between five thousand people.