
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

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'Class stars' are children selected by the class teacher - it could be for extra hard work, a great attitude or achieving something individual to the pupil.

  • Mobile phone appeal

    Mon 30 Jun 2014 Mrs H
    If you have any old, unwanted mobile phones knocking around the house, why not offload them onto us? Jessica in Year 5 is collecting them in aid of the North West Air Ambulance. Go on, have a little rummage!
  • Dragon boats ahoy!

    Sun 29 Jun 2014 Mrs H
    Well, today's the day! Our intrepid dragon boat team will be rowing fo glory as part of the Liverpool Corporate Games in order to raise money for school fund. If you haven't already done so, there is still time to send in some sponsor money - any amount will help. If you are going to watch, the weather has come out in support too so it should be a good day. good luck team!
  • Star Pupils

    Fri 27 Jun 2014 Mrs H

    This week's Star Pupils are:

    Reception: Frankie Hutchinson and Pearl Swales
    Class 1: Ruby Rose Burns and Ada Nicholson Pike
    Class 2: Harry Vaughan and Louis Lowry Morton
    Class 3 : Amy Butler and Ellie Hudson
    Class 4 : Charlotte Beamish and Isabel Ewart
    Class 5 : Charissa Brunskill and Tom Lacey
    Class 6 : Miaisie Olsen and Beth Dixon

    Well done to all of our stars!!
    Class of the Week is: Reception
    The best attending class was Class 2 - Well done!

    The class attendances were as follows:

    Reception: 96.6 %
    Class 1 - 97.6 %
    Class 2 - 98 %
    Class 3 - 93 %
    Class 4 - 96.5 %
    Class 5 - 95.4 %
    Class 6 - 95.3 %
    The most punctual classes were - Class 4 and Class 5 - Well done!

    Class lates were as follows:

    Reception - 5 lates
    Class 1 - 2 lates
    Class 2 - 2 lates
    Class 3 - 2 lates
    Class 4 - 1 late
    Class 5 - 1 late
    Class 6 - 3 lates

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 20 Jun 2014 Mrs H

    This week's Star Pupils are:

    Reception: Eva Sumpter and Tyus Henry
    Class 1: Emily Rice and Callum Lasley
    Class 2: Isobella Beesley-Hayes and Molly Mitchell
    Class 3 : Bobbi Thomas and Aaron Anto
    Class 4 : Megan Daley and Joshua Blower
    Class 5 : Nathan Woodruff and Sam Jefferson
    Class 6 : Miranda Taylor and Ella Herbert

    Well done to all of our stars!!


    Class of the Week is: Reception


    P.E. Class of the Week is:


    KS1: All of KS1   KS2: All of KS2

    The best attending class was Class 3- Well done!

    The class attendances were as follows:

    Reception: 94.3 %
    Class 1 - 93.7 %
    Class 2 - 97.7 %
    Class 3 - 99.7 %
    Class 4 - 99.4 %
    Class 5 - 98.8 %
    Class 6 - 96 %


    The most punctual classes were - Class 1 and Class 2 - Well done!

    Class lates were as follows:

    Reception - 3 lates
    Class 1 - 1 late
    Class 2 - 1 late
    Class 3 - 4 lates
    Class 4 - 2 lates
    Class 5 - 4 lates
    Class 6 - 2 lates

  • World Cup Day

    Thu 19 Jun 2014 Mrs H

    School was a blaze of colour today with flags and football kits aplenty! Children had a fantastic day playing their own mini World Cup as well as having their photographs taken with a replica trophy.


    Children enjoyed a World Cup themed lunch before the semi-final and finals which took place this afternoon and were watched by everyone. Key Stage 1 and 2 had separate tournaments which were both won by the Netherlands - is this prophetic?


    A big thank you to Mr Kelly and Mr Kirby for organising today's events and thank you to Mr Wood for arranging the replica trophy visit and sourcing all of the bunting and flags.


    Good sportsmanship was shown and the children had a great day!

  • London

    Wed 18 Jun 2014 Mrs H

    Class 6 visited London last week where they had a fabulous time! We began with a tour of the Tower of London, with a little sightseeing on the way. This was followed by an evening at a West End theatre where we enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory before returning to our hotel.

    The next day, we visited Warner Studios where we had a workshop on costume making before having a tour of the Harry Potter studios. We returned home very late that night - tired but happy!

  • Quiz Night

    Wed 18 Jun 2014 Mrs H
    Just a reminder that the PTFA Quiz Night has been rescheduled for Friday 27th June. Tickets will be available soon!
  • The BFG

    Wed 18 Jun 2014 Mrs H
    Today we were visited by the BFG! Thanks to the generosity of the PTFA, children were treated to a dramatised reading of the Roald Dahl Classic tale complete with whizzpopping!
  • NSPCC Thank you

    Fri 13 Jun 2014 Mrs H

    Jane from the NSPCC came in to school to say a HUGE thank you to all of the children. As a result of their Sponsored Spell, children raised the amazing amount of £1,736.55!! Class 3 who a certificate for the class with the most returned sponsors - well done!


    Thank you to everyone who supported this event, your money will make a difference to the lives of many children.

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 13 Jun 2014 Mrs H

    This week's Star Pupils are:

    Reception: Daniel Barratt and Finn Garrett-Butler

    Class 1: Amelia Parker and Olivia Keir

    Class 2: Liam Povall and Eva Blood

    Class 3 : Tom Dixon and Amy Martlew

    Class 4 : Aaron Herbert and Abbie Woodruff

    Class 5 : Tom Mannion and Lucy Guilfoyle

    Class 6 : Olivia Martin and Luke James

    Well done to all of our stars!!


    The best attending class was Class 1- Well done!
    The class attendances were as follows:

    Reception: 90 %

    Class 1 - 99 %

    Class 2 - 95.7 %

    Class 3 - 95.3 %

    Class 4 - 98.7 %

    Class 5 - 96.5 %

    Class 6 - 94 %

    The most punctual classes were - Class 1, Class 3 and Class 5 - Well done!

    Class lates were as follows:

    Reception - 2 lates

    Class 1 - 0 lates

    Class 2 -1 late

    Class 3 -0 lates

    Class 4 -3 lates

    Class 5 -0 lates

    Class 6 -2 lates
