
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

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'Class stars' are children selected by the class teacher - it could be for extra hard work, a great attitude or achieving something individual to the pupil.

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 26 May 2017 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Junior Connolly and Joshua Maurice

    Class 1: Toby Nicholson-Pike and Owen Skidmore

    Class 2: Niall Jones and Phillip Kirkman

    Class 3 : Tyus Henry and Tommy Butland

    Class 4 : Sean Bulger and Tilly Carroll

    Class 5 : Ella Willock and Sophie McGregor

    Class 6 :  Harrison Lyons and Ruby Tyrer


    Reading Stars:


    Reception:  Michael Stokes

    Class 1: Charlie Gaughan

    Class 2: Harriet Tickle

    Class 3: Ava Smith

    Class 4: Sammy-Joe Foulkes

    Class 5: Eva Blood

    Class 6: Amy Martlew


    French Stars:

    KS1: Evangeline Pickavance   KS2: Sam Smith


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Sefton


    P.E. Class of the Week: Class 5


    The best attending class this week was:   Class 4 - well done!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 97 % 

    Class 1: 93.3 %

    Class 2: 94.7 %

    Class 3: 95.7 %

    Class 4: 97.7 %

    Class 5: 94.5 % 

    Class 6: 96.3 %


    The most punctual classes this week were: Class 2,  Class 3 and Class 5 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 2 lates

    Class 1: 2 lates

    Class 2: 1 late

    Class 3: 1 late

    Class 4: 2 lates

    Class 5: 1 late

    Class 6: 2 lates

  • Feeling hot! Hot! Hot!

    Fri 26 May 2017 Mrs Hall

    This afternoon, as a treat, all of the children had a lolly-ice. This brought a little welcome relief from the heat. Treats like this are possible through the sale of toast. 

    Have a good half-term. Enjoy the break and any sunshine we manage to get! See you back on Monday 12th June at 8:50 a.m. prompt!

  • Dance fever

    Wed 24 May 2017 Mrs Hall
    A group of girls from Key Stage 2 have been taking part in dance sessions led by a dance teacher from Broadgreen High. Tonight they will be performing their routine at the Epstein Theatre - 'break a leg' girls! 
  • Open the Book

    Wed 24 May 2017 Mrs Hall
    This morning we heard the story of the man who wanted to collect all of his debts even though the King had forgiven him his. We learnt the message of forgiveness ; how it is good to say sorry and when we do, for the other person to say it's alright. Thank you to Open the Book for another great performance.
  • Prayers for Manchester and all those affected

    Tue 23 May 2017 Mr Hargreaves

    Our response through prayer, as a School


    KS1 met separately in their own classes and KS2 together in the hall this morning, for a moment to reflect on yesterday's incident in Manchester.


    The children were already aware of the incident so a response through prayer was given.  Childlike and without going into any details.  You may find the prayer pasted below useful, especially if you wish to join us as a wider School family.  We paused after each line to allow our own silent prayers to be said.    

    Mr Hargreaves.


    Father God,


    We pause as we remember all the people who have been affected by the incident in Manchester last night.


    We have no answers but so many questions.


    We pray for the families and friends of all who have lost someone.  We pray for the people in hospital who are injured.  Help doctors and nurses to find the right medicine and treatment to make them better.

    We pray for the people who were at the concert and may be feeling scared or shocked today.


    Father God – comfort them, heal them and strengthen them.


    Give us all the courage to stand up against people who want to cause terror.  Give us the courage to be people of peace, people of God and people who want to make our world a place of joy.



  • Star Pupils

    Fri 19 May 2017 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:



    Class 1: Hattie Tickle

    Class 2: The Whole Class

    Class 3 : Faye Walker and Alicia Kelly

    Class 4 : Ada Nicholson-Pike and Georgia Martlew

    Class 5 : Alex Waldron and Kate Banlon

    Class 6 :  Aaron Anto and Joseph Tully


    Reading Stars:



    Class 1: Isla Davidson

    Class 2: Seth Bloxsome

    Class 3: Jamie-Leigh Dunne

    Class 4: Charles Fisher

    Class 5: George Hunter

    Class 6: Nicole Griffith


    French Stars:

    KS1: Bertie Fisher     KS2: Megan McGregor


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Molyneux


    P.E. Class of the Week: Class 2


    The best attending class this week was:   Class 1- 100% - fantastic!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 96.3 % 

    Class 1: 100 %

    Class 2: 95 %

    Class 3: 93.2 %

    Class 4: 98.7 %

    Class 5: 95.9 % 

    Class 6: 95 %


    The most punctual classes this week were: Class 1and Class 4 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 1 late

    Class 1: 0 lates

    Class 2: 4 lates

    Class 3: 4 lates

    Class 4: 0 lates

    Class 5: 1 late

    Class 6: 3 lates

  • The spirit of giving

    Fri 19 May 2017 Mrs Hall

    In the Christian spirit of giving, three children received letters this week after raising money themselves for charities. Eva in Year 3 had a table sale which raised £55 for the Cat Protection League. Eden and Georgia made and sold Pom-poms, raising £20.40 each for Alder Hey and Vital Signs Foundation. 

    Well done girls, we are really proud of you!

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 12 May 2017 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Zac Blundell and Melissa Cameron

    Class 1: Ruth McKane and Bobby Pearson

    Class 2: Shay Ireston and Renee Smith

    Class 3 : Isabelle Robinson and Ava Cashmore

    Class 4 : Layla Logue, Sean Bulger and All of Class 4

    Class 5 : George Hunter and Elise Barton

    Class 6 :  Whole of Class 6!


    Reading Stars:


    Reception:  Bertie Fisher 

    Class 1: Michael Jones

    Class 2: Max Hollis

    Class 3: Ava Perry

    Class 4: Sam Rogers

    Class 5: Jack Mannion

    Class 6: 


    French Stars:

    KS1:  Lewi Cook         KS2: Sam Almond


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    House of the Week: Derby


    P.E. Class of the Week: The Whole School


    The best attending classes this week were:  Class 3 and Class 6 - 100% - fantastic!


    Class attendances were as follows:


    Reception: 98.3 % 

    Class 1: 97.2 %

    Class 2: 97.3%

    Class 3: 100 %

    Class 4: 99 %

    Class 5: 96.9 % 

    Class 6: 100 %


    The most punctual classes this week were: Reception, Class 1, Class 2, Class 4 and Class 5 - well done!


    Class Lates this week are:


    Reception: 0 lates

    Class 1: 0 lates

    Class 2: 0 lates

    Class 3: 3 lates

    Class 4: 0 lates

    Class 5: 0 lates

    Class 6: 1 late

  • Pom-Pom success

    Thu 11 May 2017 Mrs Hall
    Well done to Georgia Martlew and Eden Pickavance who have been working hard and created lots of Pom-poms in their own time. They then sold these to raise money for charity. They raised £40.80 which they chose to split between The Alder Hey Rocking Horse Appeal and The Vital Signs Foundation ; each will receive £20.40, great work girls!
  • Y6 SATs - we are so proud of them!

    Thu 11 May 2017

    Year 6 have worked so hard this week to showcase their knowledge.  The SATs are now complete and have been sealed ready for collection.  They deserved the party popper and chocolate that marked the end of the final paper!  More on this later...!  I hope you enjoy the photographs.


    Mr Hargreaves
