
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

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'Class stars' are children selected by the class teacher - it could be for extra hard work, a great attitude or achieving something individual to the pupil.

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 17 May 2024 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Emily Lunt and Hazel Wildridge

    Class 1: Harry Paye and Isla Rothan

    Class 2: Gabriella Lau and Sonny Love

    Class 3: James Macdonald and Emmie Gibbs

    Class 4: Poppy Wignall and Archie Styles

    Class 5: Luke Bendall and Maggie Hill

    Class 6: All of Year 6



    Reading Stars:

    Reception: Florence Dean

    Class 1: Harry Brownell

    Class 2: Holly Richards

    Class 3: Sebastian Kaminski

    Class 4: Bea Westoby

    Class 5: Reuben Danns

    Class 6: All of Year 6


    Value Stars:

    Reception: Sonny Stephens

    Class 1: Hollie Elliot

    Class 2: Albie Fitzgerald

    Class 3: Jasper Price

    Class 4: Iyla Stokes

    Class 5: Isaac Brooks

    Class 6: Everyone


    P.E. Class of the Week

    KS1: EYFS and KS2                          KS2: All of KS2


    Well done to all of our stars!!   


    The best attending class this week was : Class 2- 100% - Fantastic!


    Class attendances are as follows:


    Reception: 93 %

    Class 1: 97.8 %

    Class 2: 100 %

    Class 3: 98.6 %

    Class 4: 95.3 %

    Class 5: 97.4 %

    Class 6: 99.3 %


    Whole School: 97.3 %


    The most punctual class this week was: Class 5 - Well done!


    Class lates are as follows:

    Reception: 5 lates

    Class 1: 8 lates

    Class 2: 5 lates

    Class 3: 8 lates

    Class 4: 4 lates

    Class 5: 2 lates

    Class 6: 3 lates

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 10 May 2024 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Florence Dean and Ethan Holmes

    Class 1: Luke Vyse and Alfie Cao

    Class 2: Alex Hale and Elias Ward

    Class 3: Isla Stevenson-Mattei and Alex Brodin

    Class 4: 

    Class 5: Jacob Hale and Rose Hargreaves

    Class 6: Grace McKane and Nathan Chen



    Reading Stars:

    Reception: Cammi Hughes

    Class 1: George Deakin

    Class 2: Evelyn Armstong

    Class 3: Tate Ames

    Class 4: Theo Robinson

    Class 5: Tom Beech

    Class 6: Jacob Patterson-Stevenson


    Value Stars:

    Reception: Elsie Goetzee

    Class 1: Sonny Begley

    Class 2: Olivia Spencer

    Class 3: James Hughes

    Class 4: 

    Class 5: Thomas Conroy

    Class 6: Savannah Ames


    P.E. Class of the Week

    KS1: Y2                           KS2: Y5


    Well done to all of our stars!!   


    The best attending class this week was : Class 6- 100% - Fantastic!


    Class attendances are as follows:


    Reception: 91.9 %

    Class 1: 98.6 %

    Class 2: 99.2 %

    Class 3: 95.7 %

    Class 4: 94.6 %

    Class 5: 95.7 %

    Class 6: 100 %


    Whole School: 98.1 %


    The most punctual classes this week were: Class 4 and Class 5 - Well done!


    Class lates are as follows:

    Reception: 2 lates

    Class 1: 2 lates

    Class 2: 2 lates

    Class 3: 4 lates

    Class 4: 1 late

    Class 5: 1 late

    Class 6: 2 lates

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 03 May 2024 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Teddy Oliver and Luka Stevenson

    Class 1: Eleanor Rayson andGaia Bushell-Ricci

    Class 2: Holly Richards and Frankie Eccleston

    Class 3: James Hughes and Olive Ryan

    Class 4: Olivia Teer and Sophie Butler

    Class 5: Jenson Blundell and Grace Hughes

    Class 6: Bethany Caine and Jack Bulger



    Reading Stars:

    Reception: William Melling

    Class 1: Poppy Brown

    Class 2: Seb Joseph

    Class 3: Katie Elliott

    Class 4: Isabel Barrett

    Class 5: Jamie Lloyd-Hesp

    Class 6: Jasmine Keir


    Value Stars:

    Reception: Ray Pritchard

    Class 1: Harriet Angus

    Class 2: Ethan Shackleton

    Class 3: Mazvita Sabawo-Zonke

    Class 4: Roman Taylor

    Class 5: Elsie Cunningham

    Class 6: Alex O'Brien


    P.E. Class of the Week

    KS1: Reception              KS2: Y4


    Well done to all of our stars!!   


    The best attending class this week was : Class 1- 100% - Fantastic!


    Class attendances are as follows:


    Reception: 91.3 %

    Class 1: 100 %

    Class 2: 96.3 %

    Class 3: 93.5 %

    Class 4: 96.5 %

    Class 5: 96.3 %

    Class 6: 97 %


    Whole School: 95.8 %


    The most punctual classes this week were: Class 4 and Class 5 - Well done!


    Class lates are as follows:

    Reception: 7 lates

    Class 1: 7 lates

    Class 2: 1 late

    Class 3: 7 lates

    Class 4: 0 lates

    Class 5: 0 lates

    Class 6: 5 lates
