
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

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'Class stars' are children selected by the class teacher - it could be for extra hard work, a great attitude or achieving something individual to the pupil.

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 24 Oct 2014 Mrs H

    This week's Star Pupils are:

    Reception: Daniel Huyn and Ryan O'Neill

    Class 1: Finn Garrett-Butler and Abigail Irving

    Class 2: Jessica Hale and Rikke Bloxsome

    Class 3 : Daniel Taylor and Scarlett Tully

    Class 4 : Amy Butler and Lexie Hufton

    Class 5 :Megan Daley and Cara Kehoe

    Class 6 : Katelyn Willock and Olivia McIntyre 

    Well done to all of our stars!!
    House of the Week is: Molyneux

    The best attending class was Class 2 - Well done!

    The class attendances were as follows:

    Reception: 95.8  %
    Class 1 - 89.7 %
    Class 2 - 99.3%
    Class 3 - 92.9 %
    Class 4 - 98 %
    Class 5 - 98.1 %
    Class 6 - 94.4  %
    The most punctual classes were - Reception, Class 1 and Class 3 - Well done!

    Class lates were as follows:

    Reception - 0 lates
    Class 1 - 0 lates
    Class 2 - 1 late
    Class 3 - 0 lates
    Class 4 - 2 lates
    Class 5 - 3 lates
    Class 6 - 2 lates

  • PTFA Disco

    Thu 23 Oct 2014 Mrs H
    Thank you to the PTFA for organising both the Key Stahe One and Key Stage 2 discos. All of the chidren had a fabulous time stuffing their faces and dancing the night away!
  • Updated gallery

    Thu 23 Oct 2014 Mrs H
    Check out our displays in our updated Gallery
  • Open The Book

    Thu 23 Oct 2014 Mrs H x
    This morning we were whisked off to the Garden of Eden by ' Open The Book' for the story of Adam and Eve. 
  • Star Pupils

    Fri 17 Oct 2014 Mrs H

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Philip Kirkman and Stephen Spencer

    Class 1: Ava Cashmore and Tyus Henry

    Class 2: Ella Ip and Georgia Martlew

    Class 3: Eva Blood and George Guy

    Class 4: Luci Hollis and Keira Kilty

    Class 5: Rebekah Hale and Gracie-May Burns

    Class 6: Owen Martlew and Faye Jones


    The winning house this week is: Molyneux - well done!

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 10 Oct 2014 Mrs H

    This week's Star Pupils are:

    Reception: Austin Taylor and Harry McCabe

    Class 1: tbc

    Class 2: Ruby Saunderson and Phoebe Homes

    Class 3 : James Stewart and George Hunter

    Class 4 : Charlotte Emmanuel and Harrison Lyons

    Class 5 :Nathan Agboado and Jonathan Swales

    Class 6 : Tom Morley and Daisy Ackers 

    Well done to all of our stars!!
    House of the Week is: Alt

    The best attending class was Reception - five weeks on the run- Fantastic!

    The class attendances were as follows:

    Reception: 99.7  %
    Class 1 - 96.9 %
    Class 2 - 99%
    Class 3 - 98.7 %
    Class 4 - 97 %
    Class 5 - 97.4 %
    Class 6 - 93.3 %
    The most punctual class was - Class 1 - Well done!

    Class lates were as follows:

    Reception - 3 lates
    Class 1 - 0 lates
    Class 2 - 1 late
    Class 3 - 2 lates
    Class 4 - 1 late
    Class 5 - 2 lates
    Class 6 - 1 late

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 03 Oct 2014 Mrs H

    This week's Star Pupils are:

    Reception: Ruby Saunders and Harriet Little

    Class 1: Daniel Barratt and Cerys Cookson

    Class 2: Olivia Keir and Eden Pickavance

    Class 3 : George Ayers and Mia O'Neill

    Class 4 : Tom Dixon and Amy Martlew

    Class 5 :Joshua Blower and Grace Cashmore

    Class 6 : Ethan Boyd and Isabelle Farhan

    Well done to all of our stars!!
    House of the Week is: Derby

    The best attending class was Reception - three weeks on the run- Fantastic!

    The class attendances were as follows:

    Reception: 99.6  %
    Class 1 - 97.5 %
    Class 2 - 97%
    Class 3 - 97.4 %
    Class 4 - 96.6 %
    Class 5 - 98 %
    Class 6 - 97.4 %
    The most punctual classes were - Class 2 and Class 6 - Well done!

    Class lates were as follows:

    Reception - 1 late
    Class 1 - 1 late
    Class 2 - 0 lates
    Class 3 - 1 late
    Class 4 - 1 late
    Class 5 - 2 lates
    Class 6 - 0 lates
