
St Mary's C .E School

Walking in the light of God’s Love-Together we will succeed

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'Class stars' are children selected by the class teacher - it could be for extra hard work, a great attitude or achieving something individual to the pupil.

  • Junior Lord Mayor

    Sun 27 Oct 2019 Mrs Hall and Sam’s mum

    During his time in Year 6, Sam was elected to the role of Junior Lord Mayor. The role was shared so Sam had to wait his turn which came  in August when he represented St Mary's as a Y6 student (even though he'd just left!)


    He attended a Hiroshama Rememberance service, a meeting about youth knife crime, a Road Peace event at the Cathedral, the Merseyside Fire & Rescue Graduation ceremony including a full scale emergency demonstration, and a Town Crier Competition at the Museum of Liverpool. 


    Sam said, "It was really fun, I enjoyed the whole experience. My favourite part was the Town Crier competition. I felt really proud to be representing the young people of Liverpool."


    Sam is interested in going for a term as Young Lord Mayor or joining the UK Youth Parliament now that he's at Secondary School, and is going to be joining his new school's Debate Mate team, who have recently won competitions at local and nation level. 


    Sam’s mum has said, “Thank you for helping Sam to have this great opportunity, we are all really proud of him!” As are we at St. Mary’s! Well done Sam, we wish you well in all your future endeavours. 

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 25 Oct 2019 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Teddy Love and Isabelle Barrett

    Class 1: Connie McGirr and Ben Ronald

    Class 2: Bethany Caine and Leo Rutland

    Class 3: Tawanda Vengesayi and Erin Tunstead

    Class 4 :Jessica Kelly and Joseph Hill

    Class 5: Hattie Little and Max Little

    Class 6: Harry Smith and Eva Sumpter



    Reading Stars:


    Reception: Poppy Wignall

    Class 1: Jake Chen

    Class 2: Jacob Patterson-Stevenson

    Class 3:Niamh Westoby

    Class 4: Hidika Cheraghian

    Class 5: Charlie Hargreaves

    Class 6: Kyzara Magill


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    P.E. Classes of the Year: KS1: Class 2           KS2: Class 3


    House of the Week: Alt


    The best attending class this week was: Class 3 - well done!


    Class attendances are as follows:


    Reception: 94.7 %

    Class 1: 97.3 %

    Class 2: 100 %

    Class 3: 94.3 %

    Class 4: 98.6 %

    Class 5: 96.1 %

    Class 6: 99.1 %


    The most punctual class this week was - Class 5 - well done!


    Class lates this week are:


    Reception: 4 lates

    Class 1: 3 lates

    Class 2: 4 lates

    Class 3: 2 lates

    Class 4: 6 lates

    Class 5: 0 lates

    Class 6: 10 lates

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 18 Oct 2019 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Isla Stokes and Sophie Butler

    Class 1: Charlie Swords and Thomas Conroy

    Class 2: Hugo Robinson and Joe Kelly

    Class 3: Ava Anders and Charlie McCabe

    Class 4 : Daisy Beech and Ruth McKane

    Class 5: Anna Igbinosun and Ryan O'Neill

    Class 6: Faye Smith and Isobel Robinson



    Reading Stars:


    Reception: Alice Eastwood

    Class 1: Rose Hargreaves

    Class 2: Savannah Ames

    Class 3:Sara Sculthorpe

    Class 4: Ellie Lynch

    Class 5: Seth Bloxsome

    Class 6: Adrian Brunskill


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    P.E. Classes of the Year: KS1: Class 2           KS2: Class 4


    House of the Week: Sefton


    The best attending class this week was: Class 3 - well done!


    Class attendances are as follows:


    Reception: 96 %

    Class 1: 94 %

    Class 2: 98.7 %

    Class 3: 99.3 %

    Class 4: 98.6 %

    Class 5: 98.7 %

    Class 6: 99.1 %


    The most punctual class this week was - Class 1 and Class 5 - well done!


    Class lates this week are:


    Reception: 3 lates

    Class 1: 1 late

    Class 2: 2 lates

    Class 3: 2 lates

    Class 4: 2 lates

    Class 5: 1  late

    Class 6: 4 lates

  • PTFA Disco

    Fri 18 Oct 2019 Mrs Hall
    Thank you to our amazing PTFA for yet another successful event. Both KS1 and KS2 thoroughly enjoyed their discos last night. Thank you for all your fantastic hard work and dedication. Thank you also to all parents and adults who helped out in any way - these events could not go ahead without you.
  • Star Pupils

    Fri 11 Oct 2019 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Georgie Keir and Willow Dowdswell

    Class 1: Daisy-Mae Keggins-Holt and Eilah Joel

    Class 2: Katie Marsden and Michael Byrne

    Class 3: Melissa Cameron and Charlotte McGregor

    Class 4 : Ava Gill and Hattie Tickle

    Class 5: Shay Ierston and Isla Leung-Vaughan

    Class 6: Amber Daley and Harley Blundell



    Reading Stars:


    Reception: Archie Styles

    Class 1: Benjamin Ronald

    Class 2: Jack Bulger

    Class 3: Iolo Taylor

    Class 4: Jake Irving

    Class 5: Caitlin Rogers

    Class 6: Faye Walker


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    P.E. Classes of the Year: KS1: Class 1           KS2: Class 3 and Class 5


    House of the Week: Derby


    The best attending class this week was: Class 2 - well done!


    Class attendances are as follows:


    Reception: 95.7 %

    Class 1: 98.7 %

    Class 2: 99.3 %

    Class 3: 96.3 %

    Class 4: 94.8 %

    Class 5: 96.8 %

    Class 6: 98.8 %


    The most punctual class this week was - Class 2 - well done!


    Class lates this week are:


    Reception: 1 late

    Class 1: 3 lates

    Class 2: 3 lates

    Class 3: 4 lates

    Class 4: 3 lates

    Class 5: 6  lates

    Class 6: 7 lates

  • Star Pupils

    Fri 04 Oct 2019 Mrs Hall

    This week's Star Pupils are:


    Reception: Eira Taylor and Joshua Burns

    Class 1: Jenson Blundell and Eilah Joel

    Class 2: Joely Davidson and Jasmine Keir

    Class 3: Esmée Windle and Sara Sculthorpe

    Class 4 : Evie Walsh and Charlie Gaughan

    Class 5: Sophie Osborne and Austin Taylor

    Class 6: Evie-Mai Parkins, Tyus Henry, Zara Smith and Franky Hutchinson



    Reading Stars:


    Reception: Olivia Teer

    Class 1: Elsie Cunningham

    Class 2: Hrishi Borad

    Class 3: Louisa Jones

    Class 4:Harry Hufton

    Class 5: Austin Taylor

    Class 6: Ava Perry


    Well done to all of our stars!!


    P.E. Classes of the Year: KS1: Class 2           KS2: Class 3


    House of the Week: Alt


    The best attending classes this week were: Class 3 and Class  - 100% - fantastic!


    Class attendances are as follows:


    Reception: 99 %

    Class 1: 99.3 %

    Class 2: 98.3 %

    Class 3: 100 %

    Class 4: 99.3 %

    Class 5: 100 %

    Class 6: 99.7 %


    The most punctual class this week was - Class 2 - well done!


    Class lates this week are:


    Reception: 2 lates

    Class 1: 3 lates

    Class 2: 0 lates

    Class 3: 5 lates

    Class 4: 3 lates

    Class 5: 1 late

    Class 6: 7 lates

  • Harvest Time

    Thu 03 Oct 2019 Mrs Hall

    We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated goods for Harvest. These will be taken to the Anglican Cathedral where they will be distributed by Micah, a charity set up to help people living in poverty. Every donation matters so thank you all.


    Our Harvest service took place in church where every class presented either artwork, a play or a song representing each letter of the word HARVEST. Thank you to Mrs Armstrong for the wonderful singing (as usual) and to all staff and children for their amazing contributions.
